Token: ERC-20
Ticker: WACEO
Total Supply: 100 000 000
IDO Launch Date: tbd
IDO Supply: 2 000 000
WACEO Token is a reserve currency which is used for providing governance, legal, tax and other support to blockchain-based projects.
Reserve currency status means that the exchange rate of the WACEO token will be backed by reserves in the form of AVAX and other tokens, based on the Monetary Policy.
Total maximum supply of the WACEO token is limited to 100M tokens, but initial supply will be limited up to 2M (max amount of 1M will be allocated in the IDO event, and the same amount would be minted & allocated to the Treasury).
Future tokens would be minted in the Shields Up! event - an event in which a new blockchain-based project would bond their native token with the WACEO token.
Last updated